

在此新春伊始之際,我們希奇為您在網上閱覽室(read.84000.co)供給了最新翻譯 翻譯《虛空藏菩薩經》 翻譯社

約有16,000頁經文(相當於《甘珠爾》 翻譯22%)尚在翻譯進程傍邊 翻譯社我們將陸續推出新的經​​典譯著,敬請等候!​

願您的鴻鵠之志能於木馬年得以敏捷實現。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司| 翻譯-> 翻譯扎西德勒(吉祥如意)!

Happy Losar 2014! 

As the new lunar year begins 翻譯公司 we are pleased to offer you a newly translated text, "The Ākāśagarbha Sūtra 翻譯公司" in the online reading room (read.84000.co).

With about 16 翻譯公司000 pages (22% of the Kangyur) in the translation process, stay tuned for updates on the new texts that will be published this year.

May the Year of the Wood Horse bring about swift accomplishment of all your noble aspirations. Tashi Delek!

www.84000.co 。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

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